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Refuse Truck
Weight Scales

Refuse truck weighing systems 
specific to your job.

Knowing the weight of each customer's pick-up means you can provide them the Waste Diversion data they demand. It allows you to charge correctly; unprofitable customers are no longer subsidized by more profitable ones. Accurate weighing ensures trucks are loaded to the correct value avoiding expensive overload fines. Keeping the weight on the truck under its legal capacity also helps to minimize maintenance costs.

Refuse Scales

E2750 Rear Lift

E2750 Rear Lift

The Loadrite E2750 weighing system offers accurate and reliable weighing of every can/bin emptied with a rear-lift truck.

E2750 Hook Lift

E2750 Hook Lift

Loadrite weighing systems helps you know payload weight at pick-up, don't wait until you arrive at the landfill or truck scale.

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