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E2750 Hook Lift Scales

With the E2750 Hook Lift Scales
Accurate bin weights mean accurate invoices.


The Loadrite E2750 weighing system offers accurate and reliable weighing of every bin lifted by a hook lift truck. It can be installed on most makes and models, is easy to use and maintain. The E2750 measures the gross weight of the bin as it is lifted onto the truck and is sitting on the bin mounts. The bin weight and other information can be printed as a docket using the optional Loadrite printer, sent electronically to a separate on-board computer or transmitted to the head office.


Unprofitable customers are no longer subsidized by more profitable ones.

Powerful Features

  • Know the weight when picking up, not at the weighbridge/scale house.


  • Eliminate Overload fines.


  • Minimize maintenance costs by keeping the weight on the truck under its legally safe capacity.


  • Hands-free operation for the driver during dumpster emptying.


  • Optimize truck utilization and driving routes with visibility of the current payload to determine when to drive to the landfill or transfer station.


  • Provide data to your customers on their waste output.

System Components

  1. E2750 Indicator

  2. Printer

  3. 6 Load Cells

  4. Data Communication


Related Products:


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Connecting your scale to Loadrite Insight brings all your container information into one easy-to- use reporting platform. Transaction records and reports can be accessed from your desktop or smart device anywhere, anytime.


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In-Cab Printer

Get a hard copy record and customer receipt printed directly from the loader.

Domestic Waste Bin

Automated Waste ESG Data

By collecting waste data you can provide customers with valuable information to help them make waste minimization decisions and set your operation apart from competitors. Make your operation indispensable and retain customers by giving them more visibility to monitor waste.


Simple Interface

Loadrite refuse truck scales are easy to understand, easy to use and can be connected to any garbage truck on-board computer. The Loadrite screen display is uncluttered and only relays pertinent information to the operator when required. This enables the operator to concentrate on what they do best without unnecessary distraction: refuse collection. 

Garbage Truck

Zero Overloading

The regulatory environment, where public safety and liability concerns underlay a trend towards more enforcement of overloading regulations is also a factor. To help prevent overloading, the net weight of each bin can also be added to a run total, so that the driver can monitor the total weight on the truck. 


Reliable Technology

The E2750 hook lift scale uses six heavy-duty loadcells installed underneath the bin mounts on top of the hook-lift frame. They measure the weight before the bin is secured on the truck with the bin locks. The operator has also the ability to enter tare weights of each bin to get a net weight for each bin lifted.

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